Question 4: Consider An Array Named Student [10] In Which You Have Stored The Record Of University' Students. Store The Following Information By Taking Input From User As Follows: Reg_num, Name, Phone_no And Gpal Write The Following Methods: Insert The Re

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 17:10 计算机类Computing


Question 4: Consider an array named Student [10] in which you have stored the record of university' students. Store the following information by taking input from user as follows: reg_num, name, phone_no and gpal Write the following methods: Insert the record of new student (data is inserted by order of reg_num which is a unique number generated by rand() method). Search the record of student Display the record of student in ascending order Display record of student having highest GPA > Calculate the average GPA of class
