Question 1 (10%) Draw A Complete Flowchart For A Program That Can Display Midterm Results Of Three Students. Calculate The Percentage Marks Obtained, And Ii) Print Student's Matric Number And Their Percentage Of Marks. The Flow Chart Needs Some Requiremen

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 17:10 计算机类Computing

Question 1 (10%) Draw a complete flowchart for a program that can display midterm results of three students. Calculate the percentage marks obtained, and ii) Print student's matric number and their percentage of marks. The flow chart needs some requirement as follows: Student's matric number, student name, marks obtained in 5 subjects (each subject with maximum marks for each subject is 100%). (Refer to Table 6) iii) Table 6: Subjects Student matric no Student Name 101 Abu Maths 102 Soleha Biology Physics 103 Atan Science Chemistry iv) The flowchart able to display the results as display below; (Refer to Figure 12) 101 102 103 Student matric no Student name Abu Soleha Atan Maths 80 83 99 Biology Physics Science Chemistry Percentage Figure 12 13
