Ii) Given X = 10, Y = 20 And Z = 5, Trace The Execution Of The Flowchart Fill Up Table 1 Below With The Traced Output. Table 1 (2 Marks) Step X Y Z BIG 10 20 30 2. 3 Iii) Based On Your Flowchart, Write A C Program To Find The Smallest Of Three Numbers X,

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 17:10 计算机类Computing

ii) Given X = 10, Y = 20 and Z = 5, trace the execution of the flowchart Fill up Table 1 below with the traced output. Table 1 (2 marks) Step X Y Z BIG 10 20 30 2. 3 iii) Based on your flowchart, write a C program to find the smallest of three numbers X, Y, Z (2 marks)
