Question 3 A horizontally layered soil profile consists of 2m of clean sand (ydry = 16.5 kN.m3, ysat = 17.8 kN.m-3), over 5m of soft clay (Ysat = 19.8 kN.m3, eo=0.9, Cc=0.25, ºcv=19.3°), over bedrock. The water table is 1m below the ground surface. (a) What are the vertical total stress, vertical effective stress, and horizontal effective stress at a depth of 4.5 m below the surface? [3 marks] (b) A 20 wide by 3 m high road embankment is to be built across the site. This will impose a uniform stress of 50 kN/m2 across the site. How much long-term settlement will be induced by embankment construction? [1 mark]