(b) Organizational Structure Has A Major Influence On The Execution Of A Construction Project. The Organizational Structure Decides The Resources, Communication Methods And Other Aspects Of Project Management. I. A Project Manager Is Having Trouble Securi

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 17:06 土木工程Civil Engineering

(b) Organizational structure has a major influence on the execution of a construction project. The organizational structure decides the resources, communication methods and other aspects of project management. i. A project manager is having trouble securing designers for his project. Every time he asks the Creative Manager for resources, she denies saying they're all assigned to other work. So he has to every time reach out to her superiors and over-rule her. Which type of organization is she working for and explain. (2 Marks) Sketch and discuss the characteristic of the organizational structures that had been mentioned in (i). (6 Marks) ii. (C) Explain with the help of a diagram the concept of the Triple constraint and its effect on a project. (6 Marks)
