take xy=89
2. A drydock with the given base area dimensions is to be constructed (a= 0.25*(xy) [meters]; b=0.12*(xy) [meters) - SEE END OF PAPER!) . The unit weight of seawater is given as 7w=10.3 kN/m' and the unit weight for reinforced concrete is given as 7=24 kN/m. By ignoring soil pressure effects, i.e. considering only water pressure and uplift, for a factor of safety of FS = 1.1: a. Calculate the required weight of the structure to resist uplift forces. Calculate the thickness of the walls and floor slab by assuming an uniform thickness t for the walls and floor (Ignore the gate by assuming that the base area is entirely surrounded by walls). b. Plot the hydrostatic pressure diagram and calculate the magnitude of hydrostatic force for one meter width of a wall. PLAN VIEW 240+b -18.00m SECTION 48+a 0.60 Base Base Level Max. Water Level Service Ground Level ATTENTION: In the problems above: The parameter (xy) is the last two digits of the student number. Example: Student no= 201899607xx0189 (xy) = 89 Question 2: a=0.25*89=22.25 m