Use Ymercury = 136 KN/m² And Water = 10 KN/mº For All Problems. 1. A Horizontal Venturimeter Is Shown In The Figure. Based On The Data Given, Calculate The Discharge Of The Pipeline And Flow Velocities V, And V). D=25cm D=10+5 Cm V V 33+a Cm Mercury 2. An

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 17:06 土木工程Civil Engineering

take xy= 89

Use Ymercury = 136 kN/m² and water = 10 kN/mº for all problems. 1. A horizontal venturimeter is shown in the figure. Based on the data given, calculate the discharge of the pipeline and flow velocities V, and V). D=25cm D=10+5 cm V V 33+a cm Mercury 2. An inclined venturimeter is shown in the figure. Based on the data given, calculate the discharge of the pipeline and flow velocities V and V2). 2 D=10+ cm D =25cm 160 cm 33+a cm Mercury (30+ a) Parameters: a = 0.1*(xy) b = 0.04*(xy) The Parameter (xy) is the last two digits of the student number. Example: Student no=2018996070189 (xy) = 89; a = 0.1*89 = 8.9; b = 0.04*89 = 3.56
