Question 03 Verify The Safety Of The Cantilever Beam AB, Illustrated In Fig. 3, According To EC311. The Beam, Constituted By A) Circular Hollow Section (CHS 355.6*10 Mm) In Grade S 275 Steel, Is Subjected To A Design Load (P) Of 1000KN Applied With An Ecc

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 17:06 土木工程Civil Engineering

Question 03 Verify the safety of the cantilever beam AB, illustrated in Fig. 3, according to EC311. The beam, constituted by a) Circular hollow section (CHS 355.6*10 mm) in grade S 275 steel, is subjected to a design load (P) of 1000KN applied with an eccentricity (e) of 1,00m b) Also calculate the rotation about the longitudinal axis at the section of beam AB for each case 7 400cm Fig 3 Design of torsion
