A 6-metre-long Steel Column Is Considered For Resisting A Design Axial Compression Force Of 1500 KN And A Design Major-axis Bending Moment Of 300 KNm. The Column Is Fixed At Its Base And Is Pinned At Its Crest. You Are Required To Determine A Suitable UC

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 17:06 土木工程Civil Engineering

A 6-metre-long steel column is considered for resisting a designaxial compression force of 1500 kN and a design major-axis bendingmoment of 300 kNm. The column is fixed at its base and is pinned atits crest. You are required to determine a suitable UC section toresist the design axial load and moment, and to verify the adequacyof the column you have designed. Ignore the self-weight of thecolumn selected.
