10 Kip/ft 50 Kip · Ft А B 5 Ft 5 Ft - The Simply-supported Beam Above Is Subjected To A Uniformly Distributed Load And Couple Moment, As Shown. The Beam Is Supported By A Pin At A And Roller At B. Which Of The Following Best Describes The Shape Of The Mom

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 17:06 土木工程Civil Engineering

10 kip/ft 50 kip · ft А B 5 ft 5 ft - The simply-supported beam above is subjected to a uniformly distributed load and couple moment, as shown. The beam is supported by a pin at A and roller at B. Which of the following best describes the shape of the moment diagram between the midspan of the beam and point B? a) zero b) constant c) linear d) parabolic e) cubic
