10 Kip/ft 50 Kip · Ft 5 Ft 5 Ft The Simply-supported Beam Above Is Subjected To A Uniformly Distributed Load And Couple Moment, As Shown. The Beam Is Supported By A Pin At A And Roller At B. Which Of The Following Best Describes The Shape Of The Shear Dia

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 17:06 土木工程Civil Engineering

10 kip/ft 50 kip · ft 5 ft 5 ft The simply-supported beam above is subjected to a uniformly distributed load and couple moment, as shown. The beam is supported by a pin at A and roller at B. Which of the following best describes the shape of the shear diagram between point A and the midspan of the beam? a) zero b) constant c) linear d) parabolic e) cubic
