The Compensation Payable For The Discriminative Actions Varies According To The Reasons, On Which The Discrimination Is Based.” Which Of The Following Statements Is WRONG? Your Answer: In Case Of Discrimination Based On The Trade Union Membership, The Amo

The compensation payable for the discriminativeactions varies according to the reasons, on which thediscrimination is based.”
Which of the following statements is WRONG?

Your answer:

In case of discrimination based on the trade union membership,the amount of this compensation cannot be less than one year's wageof the employee.

If the different treatment is based on the absolute prohibitionson discrimination, the compensation to be paid will amount to 3months-wage of the employee.

If the female employee has not been promoted with reason of hergender, she may also claim the shortfall amount of the wages thatshe would have received if there had been no discrimination.

If the different treatment is based on the absolute prohibitionson discrimination, the compensation to be paid will amount to 4months-wage of the employee.
