According To The Information Below, How Much Time Was Used At The Port? . Clauses In The Charter Party That Will Be Used For Time Calculation: Cargo Quantity: 10000 Tons Port Daily Discharging Rate: 5000 Tons 24 Consec Hours WWD 2/3 Of Time In Case Of Mac

According to the information below, how much time was used at the port? . Clauses in the charter party that will be used for time calculation: Cargo quantity: 10000 tons Port daily discharging rate: 5000 tons 24 consec hours WWD 2/3 of time in case of machine breakdown Sshex eiu Demurrage 4000 usd Dispatch: Half of demurrage NOR to be tendered within Office hours Time counting starts at 14.00 if NOR to be tendered before/including noon or at 08.00 next working day if NOR. Given afternoon. . . Statement of Facts DTA 09.01.2020 Thursday hour 14:00 Notice of Readiness (N.O.R.) 09.01.2020 Thursday hour 14:00 Discharging started 10.01.2020 Friday hour 09:00 Discharging stopped due to storm 10.01.2020 Friday hour 14:00-19:00 Discharging continues 10.01.2020 Friday hour 19:00 Crane breakdown 11.01.2020 Saturday hour 9:00-11:30 Discharging continues, hatches open 11.01.2020 Saturday hour 11:30 14.01.2020 Tuesday hour 11:30 Discharging finished
