The Pitch Presentation Requires Students To Present A Persuasive Pitch Demonstrating The Key Strategic Promotional Tools To Be Utilised In The Launch Of Their Brand. The Pitch Should Include Reference To Key Objectives, The Positioning And Target Market O

The pitch presentation requires students to present a persuasivepitch demonstrating the key strategic promotional tools to beutilised in the launch of their brand. The pitch should includereference to key objectives, the positioning and target market ofthe brand, key message, and a minimum of 2 tactics from each of thefollowing promotional tools: advertising, public relations andsales promotion. Students must include a minimum of 2 executions ofthese tactics (eg. print/online advertisement, outdooradvertisement, social media mockups), one of which must be a mediarelease.


It is recommended that students use the following structure todeliver their presentation:

  • Brand overview (values, meaning, brand identifiers) and currentmarket situation (including market opportunity, key competitors,proposed positioning)
  • Target market
  • Promotional Objectives
  • Message
  • Proposed promotional tactics (including minimum 2x pr tactics,2x advertising tactics, 2x sales promotion tactics)
  • Justification for proposed promotion tactics
  • Timeframe (pre-launch, launch and post-launch)

Students should include a draft execution of an advertisingmessage, and a brief media release in their supporting materials. Aminimum of 5 scholarly references should be used to justifypromotional recommendations
