The Researcher Used Some Of The Five Commonly Used Techniques In Diagnosing The Study Problem. Determine Only Those Techniques He Used? Study Problem Given The Importance Of The Impact Of Strategic Drift On Business Organizations In General, And On In The

The researcher used some of the five commonly usedtechniques in diagnosing the study problem. determine only thosetechniques he used?

Study problem

Given the importance of the impact of strategic drift onbusiness organizations in general, and on

In the commercial banking sector in particular, the study(Maosa, 2015) recommended that more be done Studies on this vitaltopic to find secrets that have not yet been revealed, and to findnew ways to contribute In one way, or another, in reducingstrategic drift in commercial banks.

And to ensure the feasibility of studying the topic in theJordanian environment, specifically in the commercial bankingsector The researcher conducted structured interviews with threebanks: (The Jordanian Commercial Bank and one bank Housing, CairoAmman Bank (in the city of Amman), the answers of those who wereasked were That strategic drift has a high level of risk incommercial banks, and that it has a significant impact on Itsperformance, and there is a need for more research andinvestigation on this phenomenon as it affects the objectives, thebank's strategies, and damage to its reputation, and thus this gaphas actually been found ………..
