BACKGROUND (Please Answer DEVELOP #2 only)As an enterprising and dynamic person, you have decided that itis time to delve into a personal project that you have alwayswanted to do and that you believe will be a resounding success forits uniqueness.You are
BACKGROUND (Please Answer DEVELOP #2 only)
As an enterprising and dynamic person, you have decided that itis time to delve into a personal project that you have alwayswanted to do and that you believe will be a resounding success forits uniqueness.
You are determined to create a cabinet of online psychologists,specialised in three specific areas:
1) Couple problems
2) Deficits in attention and school performance of theinfant.
3) Accompaniment and support services for grief
The company will offer advice on one of these three areasonline. It can be from home, through a chat service and videoconferencing, offering lower prices than face-to-face servicesbecause there is no need to travel.
Therefore, the workers you want to hire will work from home andthe communication between you will always be online since, at themoment, you do not have any office or physical place enabled forthis purpose.
Psychologists will charge per project, that is, there is nofixed workload or fixed remuneration, so they should try to offeran excellent service to keep customers loyal and ensure that in thefuture they can have a fixed clientele and, therefore, more stableworking conditions.
To implement and create your company, you decide to trust anexternal advisory service for administration, taxation, strategicmanagement and marketing. However, you choose to personally takeresponsibility for the area of Human Resources, since you are wellprepared to establish a complete and exhaustive plan.
Given this, a series of challenges and questions arise to whichyou must answer so that the Human Resources plan is effective
- Analyse the starting situation:prepare aSWOT analysis.
- The first thing you need is to correctly define theobjectives you want to achieve with this new project. Thus,depending on the interests of our organisation, we can classify thetargets in three levels: environment, organisational andindividual. It is requested:
- Establish two objectives for each level.
- Accompany each objective with an indicator that aims to measurethe degree of achievement of it.
- Propose an action to achieve each objective.
- One issue that worries you a lot is the motivation ofyour future workers since this depends on the service they canoffer. We ask you to:
- Explain what kind of motivation techniques you willimplement.
- Propose concrete actions in coherence with the chosentypology.
- Focusing now on the recruitment and selection of personnel, youneed to:
- Establish recruitment needs.
- List the requirements and qualities that your workers mustpresent.
- What external sources of recruitment will you use?
- What type of selection interview do you think is the mostappropriate given the professional profile we are looking for?
- Once selected the psychologists who will work in yourorganisation, you have thought that it is necessary and verypositive that they carry out a training oriented to build aconcrete business culture. In this regard, we ask you:
- Design a training plan
- Finally, taking into account the dimensions of thecompany in this initial stage, it is required:
- The development of an organisational chart.
- Description of the positions