In a project, it has identified that the following activities and predecessors are necessary. The expected time is estimated according to the optimistic time, most likely time and pessimistic time for each activity. The crash time in the following table is the maximum crashable time if the company could spend more money to achieve faster times. Activity Variance Prede- cessors Max crashable time Cost (normal, crash) a b с d Expected time (weeks) 4 2 5 4 6 1 6 NON - Nool a a £20, £80 £30, £60 £20, £120 e f g 2 1 3 0 1 1 3 0.2 1 c, b.e d. c £20, £100 1. Draw a logic network for the project and identify the critical Path, Slack times for each activity. 2. Identify the critical path and total time for the project if the activities 'e' and 'g' can be crashed to the maximum crashable time. Clarify whether the critical path has been changed after crashing and how much minimum extra will it cost to deliver the project after taking the crash time (d)?