Iv. Which OLS Regression Model Below, Would You Choose As An Asset Pricing Model And Why? [15 Marks] Standard Error Is In Brackets Underneath Parameter Estimate. OLS Regression Models Were Derived From The Variables Below: A Excess Return On The Portfolio

匿名用户 最后更新于 2021-11-29 14:52 金融Finance

iv. Which OLS regression model below, would you chooseas an asset pricing model and why? [15 marks]

Standard error is in brackets underneath parameter estimate.

OLS regression models were derived from the variables below:

AExcess return on the portfolio Risk factor associated with the portfolio
BExcess return on the market*Risk factor associated with the overall market
CSmall minus BigRisk factor associated with the size of stocks
DHigh minus LowRisk factor associated with the value of stocks
ERobust minus WeakRisk factor associated with the profitability of stocks
FConservative minus AggressiveRisk factor associated with the investment style ofstocks

At 1174833 .8276349 + (.1155065) * 0.0268676) Bt (1) n=355, SSR = 1632.82452, R2 = 0.7281, AIC = 1553.158, BIC = 1560.902 At = 1175727 + (.1144383) .8448962 -.1012006 (.0273437) B: + (.0366601) Ct (2) n=355, SSR = 1598.22474, R2 = 0.7331, AIC = 1547.555, BIC = 1559.171 At 054152 8679867 + (.1060283) 0.0254315) Bet -.0382551 Ct + (.0348058) 2890538 0.036872) Dt (3) n= 355, SSR = 1360.0893, R2=0.7722, AIC = 1492.278 , BIC = 1507.767 At -.0626106 + (.1056327) 9100819 (.0261615) B: + .0474472 (.0381464) Ct + .246622 D. + (.0368232) .2472608 (.0512801) Et (4) n=355, SSR = 1275.37026, R2= 0.7858, AIC = 1471.447, BIC = 1490.807 . At = -.1310801 + (.1053788) .9514964 (.0280115) Bc + 0421615 (.0374948) Ct + 1283703 .2736175 (.0481862) Dt + (.0508654) Et + .2598678 (.0699719) Ft (5) n=355, SSR = 1226.88224, R2= 0.7933, AIC = 1459.687, BIC = 1482.919
